GitHub puppet-bareos
Puppet Module to manage bareos

Repo Checks ( 17 of 28 successfull )
Metadata Valid
No translation
Correct Puppet Version Range
Supported Puppet version range is %{PUPPET_SUPPORT_RANGE}
With Puppet Version Range
Puppet version range is present in requirements in metadata.json
With Operatingsystem Support
No translation
No translation
Supports Only Current Debian
No translation
Supports Latest Debian
No translation
Supports Only Current Ubuntu
No translation
Supports Latest Ubuntu
No translation
Supports Only Current Centos
No translation
Supports Latest Centos
No translation
Supports Only Current Rocky
No translation
Supports Latest Rocky
No translation
Supports Only Current Almalinux
No translation
Supports Latest Almalinux
No translation
Supports Only Current Redhat
No translation
Supports Latest Redhat
No translation
Supports Only Current Fedora
No translation
Supports Latest Fedora
No translation
Supports Only Current Amazon
No translation
Supports Latest Amazon
No translation
In Modulesync Repo
Is listed as a module managed using modulesync_config
Has a .msync.yml file
Latest Modulesync
Has been synchronized with the latest tagged version of modulesync_config
Has Modulesync
Is present in voxpupuli/modulesync_config/managed_modules.yml
Is in modulesync_config and in forge releases.
Valid Sync File
If a (optional) sync file is present, it must not contain a `.travis.yml` entry.
Reference Dot Md
The repository has a It needs to be generated / puppet-strings documentation is missing.

Open Pull Requests

add custom user groups parameter
Type aliases for all the things

Pull Request (PR) description

Introduces type aliases for all the classes.

Will remove type checking from the provider.

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues


Open PR in GitHub
Add acceptance test

We have an example in this project and can run acceptance tests against it. Will it work?

Open PR in GitHub
Codebase hardening

Turning on puppet-lint datatype warnings shows we are missing "some" stuff here. I would start gradually working on fixing all of that, if someone wants to contribute or has some input, feel free.

Open PR in GitHub
v2.0.0 release
Porting functions to the modern Puppet 4.x API

We noticed that your Puppet module includes Puppet 3.x function and created this
pull request to help you get started porting them to the new API.

The Puppet function API has a long history and many people in the ecosystem,
including you, took advantage of this API to extend Puppet to do some really
cool things. Unfortunately the original function API had many critical
limitations, and so Puppet introduced a new and improved API with Puppet 4.x.

Each modern Puppet 4.x function is just a little faster and just a little safer
to use, meaning that as we all port our functions over, compilation times across
the ecosystem will get more and more performant. Modern Puppet 4.x functions
have improved thread safety, memory management, and load time. Even more
importantly, they’re isolated to the environment they’re loaded from.

And as a developer, you'll see benefits like namespaced function signatures,
automatic data type checking, multiple dispatches allowing you to easily handle
different kinds of function invocations, and vastly improved code reuse.

This pull request was autogenerated and the ported functions do not yet take
advantage of the data type checking or multiple dispatches. You will want to
finish the port by making those changes and adding any documentation updates.
See this tutorial for more information.

While you're at it, double check to see if there are any functions that couldn't
be automatically ported and update them yourself.

To be extra cautious about losing data, this pull request did NOT delete the
legacy function files, so when you're satisfied with the new functions, don't
forget to delete the legacy code!

If this repo is a fork, when you're all done, you might consider contributing
your work upstream.

If you have any questions, feel free to ping me in this PR, or stop by the
Puppet Community Slack to chat. And thanks so much
for being part of our vibrant community of developers!

Open PR in GitHub
modulesync 5.4.0

modulesync 5.4.0

Open PR in GitHub
Edit heartbeat_interval variable to accept integer instead of time

Within /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/director/bareos-dir.conf, Heartbeat Interval accepts a value of an integer E.G 60. However, when attempting to set a value of 60 within the bareos director configuration, the below error is shown during rspec testing
Value '60' does not match regex (?i-mx:^(\d+|(\d+\W+(seconds|sec|s|minutes|min|hours|h|days|d|weeks|w|months|m|quarters|q|years|y)\W*)+)$)

class { 'bareos::director::director':
heartbeat_interval => 60

Where 60 is a valid value for the bareos-dir.conf heartbeat_interval. The values matched by Puppet's timestamp will not work here.

Open PR in GitHub
Fix issue 144.

Pull Request (PR) description

Fixing issue #144 by adding runonincomingconnectinterval to job and jobdef resource.

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

Fixes #144

Open PR in GitHub

Thank you for contributing to this project!


Pull Request (PR) description

Replace this comment with a description of your pull request.

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

Replace this comment with the list of issues or n/a.
Use format:
Fixes #123
Fixes #124

Open PR in GitHub
make the director::catalog::db_driver param optional

Starting with Bareos 23, the Db Driver parameter is no longer accepted. It has been deprecated for some time. If the parameter exists, the director service won't start.

This PR makes the parameter optional. The docs at the top of the file already say it isn't required.


Db Driver

Bareos Datatype: string

Bareos Default: postgresql

Required: false


Open PR in GitHub
add Bareos 22

Pull Request (PR) description

Add Bareos Version 22 support and the possibility to add the bareos user to other groups.

Open PR in GitHub
add Bareos 23

Pull Request (PR) description

Add Bareos Version 23 support (and Bareos Version 22 and the possibility to add the bareos user to other groups)
(this PR extends PR #129, which can be closed)

Open PR in GitHub
Support Debian 11

Thank you for contributing to this project!


Pull Request (PR) description

Support Debian 11

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

Replace this comment with the list of issues or n/a.
Use format:
Fixes #123
Fixes #124

Open PR in GitHub
modulesync 9.4.0

modulesync 9.4.0

Open PR in GitHub