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It replace the kafka.logs.dir to logdir, since code does not except the parameter kafka.logs.dir _
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Fixes #123
Fixes #124
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We'd like to be able to easily create multiple mirror services from hieradata like that:
$mirrors.each |$title, $mirror| {
kafka::mirror { $title:
consumer_config => $mirror['consumer_config'],
And we'd like to be able to easily notify all mirror services like that:
java_ks { "......:truststore":
ensure => latest,
certificate => "${properties_dir}/.....pem",
target => "${properties_dir}/.....jks",
password => "........",
path => ["${jdk_path}/jre/bin", "/bin", "/usr/bin"],
trustcacerts => true
} ~> Kafka::Mirror <| |>
And we'd like to be able to change the path of /etc/systemd/system
If kafka has been configured with SASL and self-signed SSL certificates and using zookeeper is not an options (kraft is being used), you need to pass --command-config
in order to be able to manage topics.
/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server kafka01.example.com:9093 --command-config /opt/kafka/config/admin.config --describe
sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="<%= $kafka_admin_user %>" password="<%= $kafka_admin_password %>";
<%- if $self_signed_certs { -%>
ssl.truststore.location=<%= $kafka_keystore_path %>
ssl.truststore.password=<%= $jks_password %>
<%- } -%>