GitHub puppet-keepalived
Puppet Module to manage Keepalived

Repo Checks ( 15 of 20 successfull )
Metadata Valid
No translation
Correct Puppet Version Range
Supported Puppet version range is %{PUPPET_SUPPORT_RANGE}
With Puppet Version Range
Puppet version range is present in requirements in metadata.json
With Operatingsystem Support
No translation
No translation
Supports Only Current Debian
No translation
Supports Latest Debian
No translation
Supports Only Current Ubuntu
No translation
Supports Latest Ubuntu
No translation
Supports Only Current Redhat
No translation
Supports Latest Redhat
No translation
Supports Only Current Centos
No translation
Supports Latest Centos
No translation
In Modulesync Repo
Is listed as a module managed using modulesync_config
Has a .msync.yml file
Latest Modulesync
Has been synchronized with the latest tagged version of modulesync_config
Has Modulesync
Is present in voxpupuli/modulesync_config/managed_modules.yml
Is in modulesync_config and in forge releases.
Valid Sync File
If a (optional) sync file is present, it must not contain a `.travis.yml` entry.
Reference Dot Md
The repository has a It needs to be generated / puppet-strings documentation is missing.

Open Pull Requests

Limit virtual ip address duplicate

Limiting duplicate ip address in virtual_ipaddress hash

Open PR in GitHub
Add support for track_interface option to vrrp_sync_group

Pull Request (PR) description

Add support for the track_interface option of a vrrp sync group.

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues


Open PR in GitHub
Add support for sorry_server_lvs_method

This option is available in more recent versions of keepalived.

Open PR in GitHub
Realize exported Vrrp:Script resources

Added option to collect exported vrrp::script resources (similar to how lvs::virtualserver collects exported lvs::realserver resources) so that the real_servers can export check scripts that contain identifying information (such as IP address, etc).

The $collectexported param is defaulted to false to avoid changing the current behavior though an empty trackscript{} block doesn't appear to cause any issues when added to the config so it may be preferable to default it to true to mimic the virtualserver/realserver functionality.

Open PR in GitHub
Add compatibility for Alpine Linux

Thank you for contributing to this project!


Pull Request (PR) description

Enable managment of keepalived on Alpine Linux

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

Replace this comment with the list of issues or n/a.
Use format:
Fixes #123
Fixes #124

Open PR in GitHub
WIP - feature completeness with 2.1.5

Pull Request (PR) description

feature-completness-with-2.1.5 tries to make puppet-keealived feature complete in a sense that all options keepalievd 2.1.5 provides, can be set via this puppet module.

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

Currently a lot of options are missing :/

State of the Pull Request

This is currently and at the moment Work In Progress. I just wanted to push early to have the change to get early feedback, too.

So far global_defs should be completely covered. Only a few options are missing in spec. Anyone reading this is invited to give me a pair of eyes and provide some hints how to cover the missing ones!

I had a talk with @ghoneycutt and he gave me the /ok/ to just do a large commit, as I do not change features, but just adding new options. As you can see in global_defs some options are now set to undef as they only reflect the implicit default state of keepalived. I'm not quiet sure if this is just some old stuff or if keepalived actually switched that in the last 3(?) years...

In the next days I want to try to do the same with vrrp_instance. As I have no clue about LVS, I will quietly ignore this for now. I maybe will continue with vrrp_script then...

Anyway I have some "questions" aka I'm unsure about it, and like to get feedback:
* I've set all params of global_defs to have a Data Type; I tried to reflect documentation from keepaliveds manpage as good as I could. Could someone have a look and give me a "go ahead"/continue or a "please stop and do it that way"?
* Should the test in spec cover allowed vaues of an option? Like if when an Integer can only be set between 0 and 99, or where does this go?
* How do I write a spec for situations with like nftables: it could be just set, (with puppet via true, but in the config without parameter) and it could also have one parameter or two, if the user wants to specify the chain.

Closing note for now:
I've ordered all options as they appear in keepaliveds documentation to make it easier to compare the state of "feature completeness".


Open PR in GitHub
add support for garp_master_repeat and garp_interval

This PR adds support for garpmasterrepeat (keepalived::vrrp::instance) and garp_interval (global)

Open PR in GitHub
doc: fix examples in README

Since, we are using the Integer data type to define the VRRP instance priority and the router id.
Examples should use Integer as well.

Open PR in GitHub
modulesync 5.4.0

modulesync 5.4.0

Open PR in GitHub
add parameter use_vmac_addr to VRRP instance

Pull Request (PR) description

The use_vmac_addr parameter tells keepalived to use virtual MAC addresses for virtual IPs.

The parameter use_vmac only affects VRRP packages.

Open PR in GitHub
allow setting process parameters for track_process

With this, setting parameter to check for vrrp processes is possible.

Open PR in GitHub
add option to set interface params recommended by keepalived

Thank you for contributing to this project!


Pull Request (PR) description

This PR adds an option to the vrrp instance definition to automatically set sysctl settings recommended by the keepalived project (

This Pull Request (PR) fixes the following issues

This PR fixes problems with ARP-Flux.

Open PR in GitHub