Update code so that the list_description parentheses are closed correctly
Fixes #252
Forces the configuration of the apt::ppa
repository before the
installation of packages, so they will be installed in their correct
puppet-lint flagged these lines
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Fixes #124
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Setup rsyslog so that if any $featurepackages are given rsyslog will
restart after those $featurepackages are installed.
Forcing a restart of rsyslog after installation of any $featurepackages
are installed is important if you have an rsyslog config that is not
valid without the additional package from $featurepackages in place.
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According to the doc (https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omrelp.html) omrelp tls permitted peers can be given as an array.
tls.permittedPeer=["SHA1:...1", "SHA1:....2"]
This PR reuse the same logic present in inputs.epp for to deal with arrays.
Following puppet declaration :
class { 'rsyslog::config':
modules => {
'omrelp' => {},
actions => {
relp => {
type => 'omrelp',
config => {
target => 'logs.example.tld',
port => '2514',
tls => 'on',
'tls.mycert' => '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem',
'tls.myprivkey' =>'/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key',
'tls.authmode' => 'fingerprint',
'tls.permittedpeer' =>['rsyslog_permittedpeers'],
produce the following rsyslog config :
tls.permittedpeer="[ 'rsyslog_permittedpeers' ]"
with the fix i have
tls.permittedpeer=[ "rsyslog_permittedpeers" ]
modulesync 5.4.0
Redo of #151.
… resource
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Fixes #124
modulesync 9.2.0
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Fixes this kind of error:
Syntax error at 'global_config' (file: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/rsyslog/site/profile/manifests/rsyslog.pp, line: 5, column: 5)
1 # Class: profile::rsyslog
2 # By default provides client configuration, can optionally provide server configuration
3 class profile::rsyslog {
4 class { 'rsyslog::config':
5 'global_config' => {}
Also in this commit a minor typofix in REFERENCE.
The module incorrectly assumes that the include() object is supported on rsyslog without first checking (or providing an override) for an appropriate version of rsyslog.
This module uses the new syntax of include()
instead of the older $IncludeConfig
. The include() syntax is supported only on rsyslog > 8.33.0.
syslogd[39175]: action 'include' treated as ':omusrmsg:include' - please use ':omusrmsg:include' syntax instead, 'include' will not be supported in the future [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2184 ]
syslogd[39175]: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line 5: warnings occured in file '/etc/rsyslog.conf' around line 5 [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
syslogd[39175]: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line 5: invalid character '(' - is there an invalid escape sequence somewhere? [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
syslogd[39175]: action 'file' treated as ':omusrmsg:file' - please use ':omusrmsg:file' syntax instead, 'file' will not be supported in the future [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2184 ]
syslogd[39175]: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line 5: warnings occured in file '/etc/rsyslog.conf' around line 5 [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
syslogd[39175]: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line 5: invalid character '=' - is there an invalid escape sequence somewhere? [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
syslogd[39175]: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line 5: invalid character '"' - is there an invalid escape sequence somewhere? [v8.24.0-57.el79.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
syslogd[39175]: invalid character in selector line - ';template' expected [v8.24.0-57.el79.3]
syslogd[39175]: error during parsing file /etc/rsyslog.conf, on or before line 5: errors occured in file '/etc/rsyslog.conf' around line 5 [v8.24.0-57.el7_9.3 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2207 ]
The module should do one of the following:
The latest version of rsyslog available for RHEL7 is rsyslog-8.24.0-57.el79.3.x8664.rpm.